| Diablos Rojos del México
| 51
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Posted 2018 August 5
As I've noted a few times over the years, teams in the Mexican League
have a tradition of putting stars in their logo to indicate the number of
championships they've won. At least some of them do. Leaving aside los
Acereros de Monclova, who have never won a title, six of the teams have
stars to represent their titles and nine do not. Los Diablos Rojos are
one of the nine that don't, and I can see why. The team has
sixteen league titles, more than any other team and more than
twice as many as any other team except for los Tigres de Quintana Roo
(12) or los Sultanes de Monterrey (9). First of all, when you have that
many titles, you don't really need to boast. Second, when you have that
many titles, there's not really room for all the stars.
Both los Tigres and los Sultanes do have stars in their logos to
represent titles. I'm sure they're proud of the number of titles
they've won, and they have every right to be. But you know they're
jealous as hell. Los Tigres especially. You know it just eats them
alive that they have the most stars on their logo but not the most
titles in league history, and everybody knows it. True, los Diablos
Rojos are older, and when you divide the teams' ages by the number of
titles each has won they're pretty close (los Diablos Rojos win a title
every 4.875 years on average, los Tigres once every 5.25 years). But
let's be real: those numbers don't mean anything to anybody. The only
numbers that mean anything to anyone are 16 and 12, and 16 > 12. This
drives the people in Quintana Roo nuts, and the people in Mexico City
just sit back and laugh.
There's one other possible reason los Diablos Rojos don't bother with
stars in their logo, which is that they hardly bother with a logo at
all. Their logo is simply their team name (and not even the complete
team name, just Diablos) written in such a way that the D
has horns. Oh, and the stripe under the team name is forked at the end
like devils' tails are often drawn to be. I suppose it's a serviceable
logo, but it's not a very creative one.
But do they care? No. You know why they don't care? Sixteen, that's
why. They're too busy laughing at the rest of the league to give a shit
what anyone else thinks of their logo.
Final Score: 51 points.
Penalties: Script, 7 pts; Equipment, 13 pts; Colorful, 31 pts.
Bonuses: None.
This page Copyright ©2018 Scott D. Rhodes. All rights reserved