| Leones de Yucatán
| 30 |
Notice: All logos on this page are included within the parameters of 17
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Posted 2014 June 13
Sometimes two logos are so similar that it creeps me out. This is one
of those times. A couple of weeks ago I wrote the review for los Broncos de Reynosa, where I
noted that the horse was probably actually a demon in disguise for the
following reasons:
- Rather than having hair that was a normal color, it had green hair.
- The eyes showed no pupil, but instead were solid white.
- The baseball was deformed instead of being properly spherical.
I had not looked at the logo for los Leones de Yucatán at the
time, but I'm looking at it now, and I could have written an almost
identical review. Sure, there's a lot of similarity in some baseball
logos, and that can lead to situations that render some of my reviews
somewhat interchangeable. There's not much difference between the BIC*
logos, for example. And the JACKAL** logos get kind of samey after a
while. But I never expected to encounter the combination of green hair
and all-white-eyes and a deformed baseball in a single logo, much less
two, and even less still twice in a span of less than a month. This is
weird. It gets even weirder if you start seriously entertaining
the notion that I was right about the horse being a demon. Then again,
if you're seriously entertaining the idea that I'm right about much of
anything, then the idea that there are multiple demons hiding in Mexican
League logos may be the least of your worries.
Anyway, the logo for los Leones is less disturbing than the logo for los
Broncos, their similarities nonwithstanding. The horse in los Broncos'
logo looks demonic. The lion here is simply a stylized lion. It's
not nearly so disturbing. And the deformation of the baseball is less
obvious. So I guess the best way to describe this logo is to say that
it's a slightly less unnverving version of the logo for los Broncos de
Not that that's saying much.
* Baseball in Circle
** Just Another Crappy Kartoon Animal Logo
Final Score: 30 points.
Penalties: Region (egregious), 17 pts; Equipment, 13 pts.
Bonuses: None.
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